Economic sustainability during crisis
Conference and workshops
February 19-20, 2014
@ Phoenicia Hotel
  Real Estate Partner   Branding Partner   Green Business Partner  
Waterfront City Credit Bank Bank MED
  With the support of          
Rodeo Drive    
Day 1 - February 19
Testimonials and success stories
Reaching high: Bassam Jalgha – Inventor, Musical instrument string tuner
The BlueGold Project: Ziad El Sayegh – CEO, Civic Influence Hub
From a local sandwich to a global brand: Elias Chabtini – CEO, Shawarmanji
A garbage love story: Ziad Abi Chaker – CEO, Cedar Environmental
Roundtable: Achieving success under duress
Where the economy is heading. What is still working. Measures to be taken to further strengthen the areas of strength. What can be achieved within the framework of a political gridlock and security breaches. Looking at the private and public sectors.
Target Audience: CEOs, public officials, SME owners, consultants, journalists, academics, C-suite managers
H.E. Jihad Azour – Former Minister of Finance
H.E. Vrej Sabounjian – Former Minister of Industry
Ferid Belhaj – Director for the Middle East, The World Bank
Makram Sader – Secretary General, Association of Banks in Lebanon
In Partnership with
Real Estate
In Partnership with
In Partnership with
Green Business
Room A
Where are property values heading
Results of Market study and analysis on price evolution, supply and demand, trends, new areas

Target Audience: Developers, home buyers and sellers, bankers, economists

Raghda Jaber – Program Coordinator for the Real Property Brokerage Certification, AUB
Research findings: Jennifer Abu Mrad - Manager of Research, InfoPro Research
Joe Kanaan – Chairman, Sodeco Gestion

Room B
Online impact metrics
How to measure reach, and impact of social media activities. Platforms, how to read and interpret figures

Target Audience: Marketing and communication professionals, strategists, SME owners, social media and community managers, developers

Gabriel Deek – Vice-President Internet Society (ISOC LB)
Ayman Itani – Founder, Think Media Labs
Case studies
Gabriel Abiad – Marketing Director, McDonald's Lebanon
Isac fahed, Grand Cinemas

Room C
Branding in corporate strategy
How to think of a brand within your corporate strategy and what is the ROI which you need to assess vis-ΰ-vis the brand. What is brand architecture and why is it important? Why is there a need for rebranding and brand positioning at certain times in a company’s corporate lifespan and when it does fail? Client and agency perspectives

Target Audience: CEOs, marketing and communication managers, strategy consultants

Maya Karanouh – Founder, TagBrands
Paul Boulos - ‎Head of Marketing & Corporate Communications, Bank of Beirut
Danny Estephan - Business Development Manager, IPT
Ibrahim Lahoud - Director of Strategy, BrandCentral
Moussa Rifai – Group General Manager, Rifai Nuts

Room D
Lowering the cost of financing
Negotiating with your bank, debt restructuring, the role of equity, supplier credit, alternative sources of financing. Perspectives by lenders and borrowers

Target Audience: CEOs for SMEs, CFOs of large companies, financial consultants

Salim Chahine - Acting Dean, Olayan School of Business (AUB)
Nabil Fahed – Vice Chairman, Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture
Fouad Rahme – General Manager, BLC Invest
Shadi S. Oueijan – Team Leader - Syndication & Project Finance, Bank Audi

Room E
Energy Efficiency
Solar energy benefits for businesses, energy efficiency procedures and benefits, and energy standards

Target Audience: Electrical and mechanical engineers, solar energy providers, energy efficiency consultants, business owners

Ramzi Said - Lebanese Solar Energy Society
Making it profitable: - Georges Abboud - General Manager, Earth Technologies
Energy Efficiency in hotels: Ronald Diab - General Manager, Energy Efficiency Group
The ISO 50001: Joseph Chatta - Chief Executive Officer, Bureau Veritas
Financing Energy Efficiency Projects: Antoine Zarifeh - Head of SMEs Department, Fransabank
Case Study
HOLCOM/ITG Headquarters: Claude Bahsali - Claude J. Bahsali – Chairman, ITG

Day 2 - February 20
In Partnership with
Real Estate
In Partnership with
In Partnership with
Green Business
Room A
Reaching a sellable property
Current ingredients for successful real estate projects. Does and don’ts. Meeting demand, pricing, promotional techniques, selling techniques, developing a brand in real estate

Target Audience: Investors, developer, brokers, marketing professionals

Karim Yazbek – General manager, Beit Misk
Selling the prime location: Farouk Kamal – Chairman, Stow Capital Partners
Promotion and sales: Georges Chehwan – Chairman, Plus Properties
Development and specs: Aboudi Farkouh – General Manager, CGI Saradar Group

Room B
Social Media strategy
The how, what, and why of social media. Basic elements on how to to implement social media strategies. Digital agencies and brands share their social media strategies. Learn how to focus the power of social media to further engage brands reach and impact

Target Audience: CEOs, Marketing managers, account directors and business developers at advertising agencies, corporate communication managers, strategy consultants

Samar Layoun - Co-founder AddBloom
Basics of Social Media Strategy: Marc Dfouni - Eastline Marketing
Case studies
In house: Sahar Dumyati – Senior Brand Manager, Roadster
Agency supported: Tina Rousse - Communication, Digital Media & PR Manager, ABC with Omar Abou-Ezzedine - Deputy GM, Cleartag
The case of Lebanese brew (961): Ashraf Mansour – Partner, Interesting times

Room C
Tracking your brand
Defining the personality traits of your brand and tracking its perception, and quantifying its components

Target Audience: CEOs, marketing and communication managers, strategy consultants

Naji Boulos – Managing director, Memac Ogilvy
Research methodologies in brand tracking: Jennifer Abu Mrad – Research Manager, InfoPro Research
Case Studies
Carole Ayoub – Partner, Brandcell

Room D
Equity and venture capital funding
Supply and demand of equity funds. Where to source deals. How to find funds. How to handle smaller size deals. How to get investors interested. Most suitable financial structures for SMEs. What should companies looking for financing do. What are the ranges of fees being applied in the market

Target Audience: Investment bankers, corporate bankers, entrepreneurs, CFOs

Samir Nasr - Chairman, ECE Capital
Julien Khabbaz – Head of Investment Banking, FFA Private Bank
Walid Hanna – Chairman, MEVP
Gilles de Clerck – Managing Director, EuroMena Fund (Capital Trust)
Khaled Zeidan – Executive General Manager, MedSecurities

Room E
Green Auditing
The auditing process and benefits for buildings. Case studies in various environments

Target Audience: Engineers from all disciplines, building and business owners, energy saving equipment buyers and sellers

Pierre Khoury - Project Manager, LCEC
The auditing process: Souheil Abboud - General Manager, V4 Advisors
Case Studies
Boecker Energy Management Strategy: Bana Kalash Kobrosly - Country Manager, Boecker
Las Salinas Resort: Rami Nassar - Energy Consultant, Las Salinas

In Partnership with
Real Estate
In Partnership with
In Partnership with
Green Business
Room A
Trends sought by home buyers
Area development, project research, location: inside and outside the capital, product and community development, architectural considerations, layout, finishing, and general specifications

Target Audience: Architects, developers, real estate brokers, real estate consultants

Masaad Farθs - Chairman, Real Estate Syndicate of Lebanon (REAL)
Architecture and layout: Samir Ali Ahmad - Founder, SAA
Community development: Samer Bissat - Senior Development Director, Waterfront City
Inside versus outside Beirut: Namir Cortas – President of Real Estate Developers Association (REDAL) and Founder of ESTATES
Customizable projects and units: Karim S. El Hajjar – Chairman, HEC

Room B
Online Community Management
What do community managers do and why should you care and invest in this emerging and fast growing profession. What should you know about if you are in charge of a brand? How has this new job description started and what issues does it face. What are the pros and cons of having an agency or in-house community manager? How does the community manager engage the consumer? What tools and third party services do they use? Does and don't. What the audience expects

Target Audience: Marketing professionals, IT management professionals, corporate communication managers

Maya Karanouh – Founder, TagBrands
Darine Sabbagh and Mohamed Hijazi, Online Collaborative - Does and don'ts, audience expectations
Case studies
Luciana Younis – Social Media Strategist, Medco
Marie Josι Abed – Regional Communication Manager HST (GS)
Ziad Kamel – Owner, Couqley

Room C
Networking: Industry and Academia
Meet top Lebanese researchers. The program aims at creating networks to transfer know how and innovation from academia to industry. Industrial companies can benefit from the expertise of academics. Discuss the generation and development of relationships for future partnerships between stakeholders in industry and academia.

Room D
Introduction to crowdfunding, how it works, does and don’t and overview of the various platforms and the differences between them

Target Audience: Investment bankers, corporate bankers, entrepreneurs, CFOs

Sami Saliba – Executive Board Member, Capital Markets Authority
Ali Chehade – Community Manager, AltCity
Case study
Hind Hobeika – Founder, Instabeat
Platform overview
Abdallah Absi – Founder, Zoomaal

Room E
Offsetting car fleet emissions
Measuring your carbon footprint and using corporate vehicle fleet as a way to reduce emissions

Target Audience:Energy consultants, logistics managers, engineers from all disciplines, business owners

Vahakn Kabakian - Climate Portfolio Manager, UNDP
Measuring your carboon footprint: Naji Tannous - Energy Expert, ASHRAE
Case Studies
Bank Med Carbon Neutral Corporate Headquarters: Mirna Abou Jaoudeh Tarazi - Head of Consumer Products, Bankmed
The TOUCH Carbon Neutral Car project: Charbel Cordahi - Chief Financial Officer, TOUCH

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